As a native of Birmingham, Alabama, Apostle Bishop Stephen A. Davis graduated from Pinson Valley High School. He later completed Seminary and Church Growth Courses through the International Pentecostal Holiness Association located in Montgomery, Alabama. Apostle Davis continued on to obtain his master’s and PhD in Theology through the International New Birth Bible Institute.

In June of 2006, Apostle Davis fervently entered into covenant under the spiritual covering of Bishop Eddie L. Long of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Stonecrest. Apostle Long commissioned Apostle Davis on February 8, 2009, pronouncing him an ambassador of The Father’s House, a pastoral alliance that serves as a fellowship and outreach to senior pastors globally. On November 13th, 2015, Bishop Eddie L. Long consecrated Apostle Davis as a Bishop of the Lord’s church. As the interconnection between his journey and influential kingdom leaders continued, Apostle Davis was inducted into the distinguished Morehouse College’s Martin Luther King Jr. College of Ministers and Laity Board of Preachers on April 5, 2018. On April 14, 2019, Apostle Davis was affirmed as an Apostle of the Lord’s church by Bishop Tudor Bismark. Currently, Apostle Davis yields to the mentorship and leadership of Bishop T.D Jakes through his personal ministry Dexterity Circle.

As a passionate leader

Apostle Davis is a bold charismatic speaker whose impact reaches internationally. With unwavering passion, as the Senior Pastor, Apostle Davis now continues to lead Refresh Family Church of more than 5000 members with a mission to “Spread Jesus Christ in every part of the world.” and a vision to “Embody Jesus Christ until He is seen in the way we Love, Live and Lead.” Under his direction Refresh Family Church has expanded to include a second Birmingham campus, campuses in Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Brent, Alabama; Mableton Georgia and international locations in Liberia and South Korea.

“Much of the success of a ministry is determined by how free the atmosphere is.” - Apostle Bishop Stephen A. Davis

As an international influencer and encourager

Apostle Davis also serves as an international speaker and accomplished author with a passion for souls, complete healing, deliverance, financial breakthrough, family restoration, and the total wholeness of man. Walking in the Apostolic Anointing on his life; On June 29th , 2019, Apostle Davis founded the organization Apostolic Global Impact with the mission to restore Apostolic Order to the Kingdom of God through the networking of Pastors in Christian Faith. Apostle Davis is truly a Man of God who “Loves, Lives and Apostle Bishop Stephen A. Davis Senior Pastor Leads Like Christ.” Through his I Am The One movement, which was birthed from a sermon series, Apostle Davis has empowered the lives of hundreds from local community members to governmental officials through a now weekly I Am The One segment and his third of four books, titled I Am The One. On December 11, 2023, Apostle Davis proudly accepted the honorable duty to serve as The Center Point Fire Department Community Chaplain.

“Keeping a positive outlook on life in spite of your current circumstances will payoff…” - Apostle Bishop Stephen A. Davis

As a husband and father

Apostle Davis and his wife Darlene were married in 1989 and are the proud parents of three lovely daughters and 3 grandchildren. They also served as licensed Foster Parents to many other children.